Oncolines® profiling is the parallel testing of compounds, either small molecules or biologics, on a large panel of human cancer cell lines. We use measurement of the intracellular ATP concentration as the standard readout in our viability assays. ATP is an indirect marker of cell number. In addition to the ATPlite™ assay (Revvity), we also offer the CellTox™ Green assay (Promega) to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of small molecules or biologics on a large cancer cell line panel.

CellTox™ Green is a non-lytic fluorescent assay that detects changes in membrane integrity upon treatment of cells with compounds. Viable cells, having an intact membrane, will show low fluorescence as the dye cannot enter the cell (Figure). In dying or dead cells, when the integrity of the cell membrane is lost, the dye will enter the cell and bind to DNA. Upon formation of the dye-DNA complex, the fluorescence signal increases.

To read more about the assay readouts used in Oncolines® cancer cell panel profiling studies, click below.

Figure: Schematic representation of CellTox™ Green assay and dose-response curve with reference agent.

Oncolines B.V. is a precision medicine services company in oncology and cancer immunotherapy. Oncolines is part of the Symeres group of companies, a group of high-quality CROs and CDMOs based in Europe and the United States.